On 21-22 June 2018, a two-day training of trainers was organized by the EU funded project “Support for Public Administration Capacity Building in Turkmenistan” in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
The project organised this event in line with the workplan and with the intention not only to develop new training contents such as training programmes and modules, but also to train the methodological skills of the teaching staff of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan and other stakeholders. In the framework of this important task, the project intends to organise 5 different ‘Train-the-Trainers’ sessions, starting with one general session on presentation skills including a needs analyses for the teaching staff of the Academy, which was held in June.
Based on the needs assessment further 4 thematic ToT sessions will be held on topics related to modern training methodologies.
The event was opened by the Team Leader of the project Mr. Folkert Milch. He informed the audience, that this is the first training session of the series of planned trainings, which are aimed for introducing new teaching techniques and enhancing some practical and interactive training methods.
The presentations were made by an international consultant, Mr. Klemen Belhar, who has an intensive experience in training, coaching and training design in the field of training of trainers, communications skills, presentation skills, public speaking skills, difficult conversations skills and facilitation.
He introduced new approaches to training and presentation skills to the representatives of the educational institutions of Turkmenistan.
During 2 days, participants were actively involved into working group sessions and plenary discussions. They were familiarized with various effective methods of preparing informative and interesting presentations and quality slides appropriate to presentation content. Also, the importance of further development of presentation and public speaking skills, as well as distinguishing the difference between presentation and training were presented and discussed providing interesting examples.
Each participant had to briefly introduce him/herself; that introduction activity gave multiple opportunities to the trainer to evaluate and make relevant recommendations regarding future improvement of the way participants design, conduct, and present their speech.
The purpose of this training of trainers workshop was to build or strengthen the capacity of the participants and their respective institutions, as well as to give new trainers the background knowledge, skills and practical experience in the area of delivering effective trainings.
With a strong focus on presentation skills and training best practices, participants gained valuable feedback from the experienced facilitator and trainer, which will be sustained further in their teaching practices.
At the end, all the trainees received Certificates of Participation.