Ashgabat, 2-3 September, 2019. The fifth round of series of “Training of Trainer’s” (ToT) workshops on modern training methodologies was conducted in the Gala cultural center. The European Union funded project “Support for Public Administration Capacity Building in Turkmenistan” organized the event with the participation of the international expert / professional trainer Mr. Klemen Belhar.
The aim of the workshop was to work on identified needs for a train the trainer methodology and illustrate a target group-oriented training technique by an example.
In the workshop, Mr. Belhar introduced the participants with the new training methods such as “Flipped classrooms” and “Blended learning”, as well as different case study methods, which are used to increase the efficiency in mastering the subject. He shared the international practices in these concepts with examples. Participants got a task to prepare a two-page presentation on how they would apply those concepts in their professional field. As per the new requirements of the ToT workshops, only after completion of the task, participants will get the certificates.
Lecturer from the International University for the Humanities and Development Ms. Maysa Demirova participated in the ToT workshop for the first time and shared her experience, saying: “It was a very productive workshop; Mr. Klemen Belhar presented the topics very comprehensively. He made us look at the topics we know from a different perspective”. The ToT workshops with the participation of Mr. Klemen Belhar bring innovations each time, which in turn update the skills of the Turkmen professionals in the sphere of education.